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Some Information from the State of Texas

Since the 1890's, asbestos use has been expanded to hundreds of common industrial applications. However, increased environmental distribution of these products has also enlarged the size of the population exposed to asbestos. The health effects associated with occupational and non-occupational asbestos exposure can create severe human diseases. The potential impact of these diseases has motivated public health authorities to control the use of asbestos. Ongoing federal and state programs oversee efforts to prevent environmental release, and abate existing asbestos sources. (From the State of Texas)

Bryan-College Station Office
(979) 778-2699
Paul Dehlinger Cell (979) 229-4385
Houston Office
(979) 229-4385
Paul Dehlinger
Austin Office
(512) 587-8036
Paul Dehlinger Cell (979) 229-4385​

Asbestos Testing, Surveys, and Consulting

Austin Environmental's jobs range in size from small Asbestos Testing, Surveys and Inspections for Asbestos Building Permits to full-scale Asbestos Abatement Project Consulting. Austin Environmental is a fully licensed Asbestos Consulting firm with offices in Bryan, Houston and Austin. Asbestos Testing and Consulting is our only focus.

Austin:(512) 587-8036
Bryan-College Station:(979) 778-2699
Houston: (979) 229-4385

Your Trusted Source for Asbestos Inspections, Surveys & Consulting. 

​​As a premier company dedicated to providing customer service that is second to none, we draw on deep industry experience to provide you with quality results.​

Fully Licensed & Registered
Top Industry Certifications
Over 40 Years of Experience